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As an HVAC dealer, your reputation is on the line when you make an indoor comfort brand recommendation to a homeowner.  So, why should you feel confident in becoming an independent Amana® brand dealer?


  1. Happy Homeowners

    The Amana brand has thousands and thousands of positive reviews* from customers who have purchased Amana products. Each review is verified by an industry leading, independent third party. See for yourself! Go to to check out Amana brand reviews.


  2. Quality Tested

    Amana brand takes pride in product quality and relies on strict quality-driven processes.

    During production, every Amana brand unit goes through vigorous testing and a final run-test before it’s shipped to a distributor. The company employs Six Sigma principles and challenges its teams to continually enhance designs and its manufacturing process.


  3. Industry-Leading Limited Warranty Protection

    Every Amana brand indoor comfort product is built to our highest standards and backed up with limited warranties.** Amana brand’s scope of limited warranties isn’t just beneficial for homeowners, they offer peace of mind and help you stand out from the competition.


  4. Easy Installation for Professionals Like You!

    Amana brand continually recognizes the importance of designing products that are easy for industry professionals to install. That’s why we value feedback from heating and cooling professionals like you.

    brand continually reviews lessons learned to make cost-effective improvements in the evolution of the product design process.


  5. Extensive Training Opportunities
    brand has created one of the most comprehensive learning experiences in the HVAC industry, The Amana brand Business Academy. In-person and virtual classes, as well as gamified virtual reality training, allows business owners, employees, and technicians to learn at their own pace in a hands-on environment, whenever and wherever.



* Amana brand uses the industry leader in homeowner reviews, BazaarVoice, to administer and validate the reviews you see on the website. This means reviews are directly from homeowners, with checks to prevent fabrication, modification, or fraudulent activities. To see how BazaarVoice authenticates reviews, please visit


** Complete warranty details available from your local dealer or at To receive the Lifetime Unit Replacement Limited Warranty or 2-Year Unit Replacement Limited Warranty, Lifetime Compressor Limited Warranty, Lifetime Heat Exchanger Limited Warranty (in each case, good for as long as you own your home), and the 10-Year Parts Limited Warranty, online registration must be completed within 60 days of installation. Online registration is not required in California or Quebec.